Materials engineering research
Power Engineering
What can we offer you in this field?
- Determination of the creep characteristics of steel using creep tests and stress rupture tests
- small punch creep testing (SPCT)
- internal pressure creep rupture testing
- evaluation of degradation of material properties and microstructure due to service
- residual lifetime assessment of power equipment
Technical equipment of the workplace
- vertical lever type creep machines with constant load up to 30 kN
- horizontal multiple spring type creep machines with constant load up to 15 kN
- horizontal furnace for internal pressure creep rupture tests
- laboratory annealing furnaces for long-term annealing
Metallography and structural analysis
What can we offer you in this field?
- evaluation of macrostructure, sulphur prints (Bauman method)
- analysis of microstructure of materials (optical and electron microscopy)
- determination of content of metallic inclusions
- determination of ferritic and austenitic grain size
- detection of defects in welded joints
- assessment of creep cavitation damage
- qualitative and quantitative fractographic analysis
- EDX microanalysis of the chemical composition of non-metallic inclusions, precipitates, etc., line analysis and mapping
- dilatometric determination of thermal expansion coefficients
- dilatometric determination of phase transformation points, TTT and CCT diagrams
- material expertise, failure analysis of structural materials
- optimization of material selection and heat treatment
- analysis of the influence of metallurgical, technological and operational factors on the structure and properties of the equipment in operation
Technical equipment of the workplace
- Olympus SZX 10 stereomicroscope
- Olympus PMG 3 and GX51 optical microscopes
- LECO AMH 43 automatic hardness testing machine
- Keyence VHX 5000 optical-digital microscope
- JEOL JSM 5510 scanning electron microscope
- EDX microanalyzer X-max20, INCAEnergy software
- DIL 805L quenching dilatometer
- Struers metallography equipment for sample preparation